Working Group on Elderly Services Programme Plan
Dr LI Kwok-tung, Donald
Prof BAI Xue
Miss CHAN Man-yee, Grace
Ms IP Shun-hing
Prof LAI Wing-leung, Daniel
Dr LEE Shun-wah, Jenny
Mr LAU Tat-chuen
Ms MAN Wei-yin, Queenie
Mr NGAI Shi-shing, Godfrey
Mr SIU King-wai, Kyrus
Mr SU Yau-on, Albert
Ms YU Chui-yee
Co-opt Members
Ms LAU Oi-sze, Alice
Mr YAU Ka-chun
Representatives from Government Bureaux/Departments
Secretary for Labour and Welfare or representative
Secretary for Health or representative
Secretary for Housing / Director of Housing or representative
Director of Social Welfare or representative
Director of Health or representative
Chief Executive, Hospital Authority or representative
Terms of Reference
To assist the Elderly Commission in overseeing the implementation of the recommendations of the Elderly Services Programme Plan.